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Melodic minor scale with Hand Signs
Melodic Minor Scale
Melodic minor Scale in solfa with handsigns (10 Weeks of Solfa Program - Video 8)
Melodic minor Scale in solfa with handsigns (10 Weeks of Solfa Program - Video 8)
Natural MInor Scale
Practice singing the Bb Melodic Minor Scale with Solfege and Curwen Hand Symbols
The Melodic Minor Scale in Solfa
Harmonic minor scale with Hand Signs
Practice singing the D Melodic Minor Scale with Solfege and Curwen Hand Symbols
VCE02 Natural minor scale in solfa with handsigns
FIVE SCALE CHALLENGE - Singing w/ Handsigns - Pentatonic, Major, Natural, Harmonic & Melodic Minor
How to Sing the Melodic Minor Scale in Solfege